Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,041 lines
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ G_MOUSE.PAS g_Mouse Interface Unit - graphical mouse pointer in text mode }
{ 80x25. Borland Pascal 7 version. Supports both real and protec- }
{ ted modes. }
{ }
{ Version 1.50.7 }
{ Written by Bobby Z. }
{ Copyright(c) 1993,94 by B-coolWare }
{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
"Nice, nice. Not excellent, but nice..."
(Mel Brooks)
This software is copyrighted free one. This means that it is distributed
free of charge and that you must keep copyright notice with it. Usually this
also means that you cannot modify the code, but it is not the case with
this one (see grant of license for details). Note that it is not public
domain software, that is author reserves copyright for it as well as some
other rights.
You are hereby granted the right to use this software in either commercial
or non-commercial products provided that you do not charge any extra fee
for this code and that you keep copyright notice unchanged.
You are also granted the right to distribute this code freely in its original
unmodified form provided that you do not charge any fee that exceed your
expences from distributing it (for example, uploading to commercial network).
You also may modify the code to add new features or eliminate bugs or
incompatibilites you discovered and distribute modified code provided that
you add a notice that the code was modified. If you do any modifications
to the code, please send me modified version so that I'll be able to
reflect changes in the next releases. Regardless of the extent of modifica-
tions the code should remain free and will still copyright(c) by B-coolWare.
If you break any of the rules mentioned you'll be liable for violation of
Russian Copyright Law in Computer Programs and Databases as well as other
national or international laws and treaties. The parties that acquired this
code from you will still have their rights as long as they comply with this
Author disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, of code quality,
reliability or fitness for a particular purpose. I can only guarantee that it
will occupy disk space. Though this code was thoroughly tested, the possibi-
lity of errors can't be eliminated. Do not blame me if something goes wrong -
you were warned.
In case of taking damage due to use, misuse or inability to use, this code,
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or any similar damages author shall not be liable for it. The whole risk is
with you.
Author reserves the right to use this code in any commercial or non-
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status (to shareware, for example).
How to contact author:
If you experiencing problems with this code or have any suggestions, bug
fixes or just wanna chat, refer to the following addresses:
e-mail (preferrable):
2:5028/52.6 (FIDOnet)
bob@ymz.yaroslavl.su (internet)
paper mail:
10/4/13 Dobrynina Str.,
Vladimir M. Zakharychev (aka Bobby Z.)
Letters both in Russian and in English are welcome. Please do not use any
other language if you want to be answered. Letter bombs are always
returned to sender... shhhh-boom-BANG! :)
Thank you for your interest in B-coolWare products.
This Borland Pascal unit was developed to give you the opportunity to improve
user interface of your DOS text mode applications written in Pascal by adding
"graphical" screen controls to your applications. The only implemented control
is "graphical" mouse pointer, but routines provided in this unit can also be
used to reprogram appearance of any characters. The unit supports both real
and protected modes and can be used with almost all TUI packages available for
Pascal programmers, which include Turbo Professional and Object Professional
by TurboPower Software, Turbo Vision 1.0 and 2.0 by Borland Intl. (with some
limitations described below) as well as other commercial or handmade tools.
Actually this unit is a port from assembly language version 1.42 of g_Mouse
with simplified initialization. Version 1.42 did not support protected mode
because Borland's extender does not handle mouse function 14h (exchange
handlers) properly (this function was used to chain any existing handlers
to g_Mouse's one). Version 1.50.7 is compatible with RTM and uses only calls
proved to work correctly under it. And it is much easier to use.
Programmer's notes:
1. This code intercepts mouse services interrupt (33h) thus making
its use extremely easy: you just need to insert reference to g_Mouse in
"uses" clause of your application. Deinitialization of system is
performed automatically thru Pascal's ExitProc mechanism. All standard
mouse functions still work o.k. with this code with some exceptions in
protected mode which are due to RTM's limited support for those functions.
2. If you wish to use this code within your Turbo Vision applications,
you'll have to change View.WriteView's logic in part determining if mouse
pointer is within area to be redrawn. Because now mouse pointer
occupies 4 characters instead of 1 it may happen that WriteView deter-
mine that mouse pointer is outside the area and do not hide it while
it actually should.
Also note that you should call DoneGMouse explicitly AFTER any call to
DoneEvents and resume g_Mouse operation by calling InitGMouse BEFORE
call to InitEvents. On program startup/exit it is done automatically but
when you do something weird like executing another process you should
shut down TV's managers first and then shut down g_Mouse. This makes
TV 2.0's TApplication.DOSShell unusable. You should always override it if
you intend to exec child processes from within your TV application using
TApplication.DOSShell method (see example program TUTOR01.PAS).
3. One conditional define affects the way code is compiled:
If this is defined then mouse interrupt handler instantly calls INT 10h
function 0Fh (get current video mode) and suspends if current video mode
is other than 03h (80x25 color). Operation become a bit slower but you
won't get any probs when switching to other modes (80x50 for example).
You'll have to add other modes you want to support by yourself (like
SuperVGA 130xXX modes with 8x14 and 8x16 characters).
26 Oct 1994 ported and adapted assembly language version 1.42 to Pascal.
adapted for protected mode operation.
unit g_Mouse;
CharMatrix = array[0..31] of Byte;
procedure InitGMouse( FlipMode : Boolean );
{ initialize g_Mouse system. FlipMode affects the movement of pointer. If
it is True, the pointer will move smooth, but characters will appear to
be somehow "wider" then usually. }
procedure DoneGMouse;
{ deinitialize g_Mouse system. Called automatically on program end, but you
will need to do it manually when executing child processes or something like
that. }
procedure SetMouseChars(C1Code, C2Code, C3Code, C4Code : Byte);
{ change characters used for mouse pointer. Note that these characters' maps
will be corrupted at runtime reflecting mouse movement. You should hide
mouse pointer before invoking this procedure. }
procedure SetPointerShape( var AND_Mask, OR_Mask );
{ used to change mouse pointer shape. AND_Mask and OR_Mask should be arrays of
at least CharSize bytes. }
procedure GetPointerShape( var AND_Mask, OR_Mask );
{ fills AND_Mask and OR_Mask arrays with current -and- and -or- masks that
represents mouse pointer. }
procedure GetCharMatrix( C : Word; var Matrix : CharMatrix);
{ returns bitmap for character C. If requested character is one of those used
to represent mouse pointer the Matrix will be filled with zeros. }
procedure SetCharMatrix( C : Word; var Matrix : CharMatrix);
{ sets character C's bitmap to Matrix. Unused scanlines should be zeroed.
Does not change characters currently used to represent mouse pointer. }
Active : Boolean = False; { gMouse system is active }
CharSize : Word = 16; { character height in scanlines }
uses Dos;
CurX : Word = 0; { current X position }
CurY : Word = 0; { current Y position }
C1Char : Word = $DE; { character to use as #1 }
C2Char : Word = $DD; { --"-- #2 }
C3Char : Word = $D7; { --"-- #3 }
C4Char : Word = $D8; { __"__ #4 }
C1 : array[1..16] of Byte = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
C2 : array[1..16] of Byte = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
C3 : array[1..16] of Byte = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
C4 : array[1..16] of Byte = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
Visible : Boolean = False; { mouse pointer is visible }
ModeFlip : Boolean = False; { using 8 pixel-wide chars }
SaveBuf : array[1..32] of Word = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
OldChars : array[1..4] of Byte = (0,0,0,0);
OldPos : Word = 0;
OldEvents: Word = 0; { holds old event mask }
OldHandler : Pointer = nil; { holds address of old mouse handler }
i33Handler : Pointer = nil; { holds address of INT 33 handler }
YSize : Word = 394; { Window max Y }
YMax : Word = 394; { Y max }
XSize : Word = 638; { Window max X }
XMin : Word = 0; { Window min X }
YMin : Word = 0; { Window min Y }
ORMask : array[1..16] of Byte =
ANDMask : array[1..16] of Byte =
procedure Mode8BPC; near; assembler;
{ set 8 pixel-wide characters mode on VGA systems }
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,1
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
or al,1
out dx,al
mov dx,3CCh
in al,dx
and al,0F3h
mov dx,3C2h
out dx,al
mov dx,3DAh
in al,dx
mov dx,3C0h
mov al,13h
out dx,al
sub al,al
out dx,al
mov al,20h
out dx,al
mov byte ptr C1Char,1
mov byte ptr C2Char,2
mov byte ptr C3Char,13
mov byte ptr C4Char,10
procedure Mode9BPC; near; assembler;
{ set 9 pixel-wide character mode on VGA systems }
mov dx,3C4h
mov al,1
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,0FEh
out dx,al
mov dx,3CCh
in al,dx
and al,0F3h
or al,4
mov dx,3C2h
out dx,al
mov dx,3DAh
in al,dx
mov dx,3C0h
mov al,13h
out dx,al
sub al,al
dec al
out dx,al
mov al,20h
out dx,al
procedure GetNewPos; near; forward;
procedure gShowMouse; near; forward;
procedure gHideMouse; near; forward;
procedure MouseHandler; far; assembler;
push seg @data
pop ds
test ax,1
jz @@oldh
mov al,Visible
push ax
call gHideMouse
call GetNewPos
pop ax
or al,al
jz @@2
call gShowMouse
push ax
mov ax,CurY
div CharSize
shl ax,3
mov dx,ax
mov cx,CurX
and cl,0F8h
and dl,0F8h
pop ax
and ax,OldEvents
jz @@Q
push si
mov si, word ptr OldHandler
or si, word ptr OldHandler[2]
pop si
jz @@Q
call dword ptr ds:[OldHandler]
jmp @@Q
db 13,10
db 'g_Mouse Interface Version 1.50.7 Copyright(c) 1993,94 by B-coolWare.'
db 13,10
procedure SetupRWMode; near; assembler;
{ set up character generator character map read/write mode }
push ax
push dx
mov dx,3C4h
mov ax,0402h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0704h
out dx,ax
mov dl,0CEh
mov ax,0005h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0406h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0204h
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
procedure CloseRWMode; near; assembler;
{ reset video memory to normal text mode operation }
push ax
push dx
mov dx,3C4h
mov ax,0302h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0304h
out dx,ax
mov dl,0CEh
mov ax,1005h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0E06h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0004h
out dx,ax
pop dx
pop ax
procedure MoveChar; near; assembler;
{ copy cx words to/from video memory }
call SetupRWMode
rep movsw
call CloseRWMode
procedure LoadChar; near; assembler;
{ read character map from video memory }
push cx
shl si,5
call MoveChar
pop cx
procedure SaveChar; near; assembler;
{ write character map to video memory }
push cx
shl di,5
call MoveChar
pop cx
procedure LoadChars( Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 : Word ); near; assembler;
{ read our four character maps from video memory }
push ds
push ds
pop es
mov cx,CharSize
shr cx,1
push SegA000
pop ds
mov di,offset C1
mov si,Ch1
call LoadChar
mov di,offset C2
mov si,Ch2
call LoadChar
mov di,offset C3
mov si,Ch3
call LoadChar
mov di,offset C4
mov si,Ch4
call LoadChar
pop ds
procedure SaveChars( Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4 : Word ); near; assembler;
{ store our character maps in video memory }
push ds
mov cx,CharSize
shr cx,1
push SegA000
pop es
mov si,offset C1
mov di,Ch1
call SaveChar
mov si,offset C2
mov di,Ch2
call SaveChar
mov si,offset C3
mov di,Ch3
call SaveChar
mov si,offset C4
mov di,Ch4
call SaveChar
pop ds
procedure computeOffset; near; assembler;
{ computes offset of character at (CurX,CurY) in video buffer }
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov si,CurX
shr si,2
mov ax,CurY
mov bx,CharSize
div bx
mov bl,160
mul bl
add si,ax
and si,0FFFEh
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
procedure UpdateChars; near; assembler;
{ applies -and- and -or- masks on characters behind cursor to make it visible }
call computeOffset
push SegB800
pop es
sub ah,ah
mov al,es:[si]
push ax
mov al,es:[si+2]
push ax
mov al,es:[si+160]
push ax
mov al,es:[si+162]
push ax
call LoadChars
mov cx,CurX
mov bx,CurY
and cx,7
mov ax,CharSize
dec ax
and bx,ax
sub si,si
cmp bx,CharSize
jz @@2
mov ah, byte ptr C1[bx]
mov al, byte ptr C2[bx]
mov dh, byte ptr ANDMask[si]
mov dl,0FFh
ror dx,cl
and ax,dx
mov dh, byte ptr ORMask[si]
sub dl,dl
shr dx,cl
or ax,dx
mov byte ptr C1[bx],ah
mov byte ptr C2[bx],al
inc bx
inc si
cmp si,CharSize
jb @@1
jmp @@3
sub bx,bx
mov ah,byte ptr C3[bx]
mov al,byte ptr C4[bx]
mov dh,byte ptr ANDMask[si]
mov dl,0FFh
ror dx,cl
and ax,dx
mov dh,byte ptr ORMask[si]
sub dl,dl
shr dx,cl
or ax,dx
mov byte ptr C3[bx],ah
mov byte ptr C4[bx],al
inc bx
inc si
cmp si,CharSize
jb @@4
push C1Char
push C2Char
push C3Char
push C4Char
call SaveChars
procedure GetNewPos; assembler;
{ get new pointer position in mickeys (we using them instead of pixels) }
mov ax,0Bh
int 33h
add CurX,cx
add CurY,dx
mov ax,CurX
or ax,ax
js @@6
cmp ax,XMin
jnb @@1
mov ax,XMin
jmp @@2
cmp ax,XSize
jbe @@2
mov ax,XSize
mov CurX,ax
mov ax,CurY
or ax,ax
js @@5
cmp ax,YMin
jnb @@3
mov ax,YMin
jmp @@4
cmp ax,YSize
jbe @@4
mov ax,YSize
mov CurY,ax
procedure gShowMouse; assembler;
{ show mouse pointer }
cmp Active,0
jz @@Q
cmp Visible,1
jz @@Q
push ax
push si
push es
call computeOffset
mov OldPos,si
push SegB800
pop es
mov al,es:[si]
mov byte ptr OldChars,al
mov al,es:[si+2]
mov byte ptr OldChars[1],al
mov al,es:[si+160]
mov byte ptr OldChars[2],al
mov al,es:[si+162]
mov byte ptr OldChars[3],al
push es
push si
call UpdateChars
pop si
pop es
mov al,byte ptr C1Char
mov ah,byte ptr C3Char
mov es:[si],al
mov es:[si+160],ah
cmp CurX,632
jae @@10 { oops! wrapping may occur }
mov al,byte ptr C2Char
mov ah,byte ptr C4Char
mov es:[si+2],al
mov es:[si+162],ah
pop es
pop si
pop ax
mov Visible,1
procedure gHideMouse; assembler;
{ hide mouse pointer }
cmp Active,0
jz @@Q
cmp Visible,0
jz @@Q
push ax
push es
push di
mov di,OldPos
push SegB800
pop es
mov al,byte ptr OldChars
mov es:[di],al
mov al,byte ptr OldChars[1]
mov es:[di+2],al
mov al,byte ptr OldChars[2]
mov es:[di+160],al
mov al,byte ptr OldChars[3]
mov es:[di+162],al
pop di
pop es
pop ax
mov Visible,0
function isVGAble : Boolean; near; assembler;
{ check whether current video adapter a VGA/EGA }
mov ax,1A00h
int 10h
cmp al,1Ah
jz @@Ok
push es { still keeping compatibility with EGA systems }
push Seg0040 { though they're very rare now... }
pop es
mov al,es:[87h]
pop es
or al,al
jz @@Fail { this is even not EGA! }
mov CharSize,14 { EGA's text display is 640x350 pixels, }
mov YSize,344 { characters are 14 lines high }
mov YMax,344
mov ah,0Fh { video mode is 80x25? }
int 10h
cmp al,3
jnz @@Fail { no - do not initialize }
mov al,1
jmp @@Q
sub al,al
procedure MouseInt; assembler;
push ds
push seg @data
pop ds
{$IFDEF TrackVideoMode }
push ax
mov ah,0Fh
push bp
push es
int 10h
cli { interrupts gets enabled at this point }
pop es
pop bp
cmp al,3
pop ax
jnz @@JOld
cmp Active,0
jz @@JOld
cmp ax,1 { show mouse pointer }
jz @@1
cmp ax,2 { hide mouse pointer }
jz @@2
cmp ax,3 { get current pointer coordinates (in pixels) }
jz @@3
cmp ax,4 { set current pointer coordinates }
jz @@4
cmp ax,7 { set horizontal clipping boundaries }
jz @@7
cmp ax,8 { set vertical clipping boundaries }
jz @@8
cmp ax,0Ch { set new event handler }
jz @@0C
cmp ax,14h { exchange handlers - doesn't work in PM }
jz @@14
{ set mouse+key handler, get mouse+key handler and other functions are
not intercepted for they are used very rarely. }
(* because in PM we can't write to code segment without getting code
segment alias, I do not use here more convenient way to chain to
previous interrupt handler:
DB 0EAh { far jump [immediate] opcode }
DD SaveIntVector
because it leads to some difficulties in PM. Usually in Pascal I
do it this way:
Because there is no way in pascal to make SaveIntVector global, I
add one function to handle, which takes one parameter - dword to
write to SaveIntVector and do an explicit call to handler with
value of current interrupt vector somewhere on program startup.
call dword ptr [i33Handler]
pop ds
call gShowMouse
jmp @@out
call gHideMouse
jmp @@out
call dword ptr [i33Handler] { simulating interrupt }
push ax
mov ax,CurY { substituting mouse driver's coordinates with
ours }
div CharSize
shl ax,3
mov cx,CurX
mov dx,ax
and cl,0F8h
and dl,0F8h
pop ax
jmp @@out
mov CurX,cx
push dx
shr dx,3
push ax
mov ax,dx
mul byte ptr CharSize
mov CurY,ax
pop ax
pop dx
jmp @@out
mov XMin,cx
cmp dx,638
jb @@71
mov dx,638
mov XSize,dx
jmp @@out
push ax
mov ax,cx
shr ax,3
mul byte ptr CharSize
mov YMin,ax
mov ax,dx
shr ax,3
mul byte ptr CharSize
cmp ax,YMax
jae @@81
push ax
add ax,16
cmp ax,YMax
pop ax
jae @@81
mov YSize,ax
pop ax
jmp @@out
mov word ptr OldEvents,cx { setting new handler address }
mov word ptr OldHandler,dx { we'll chain to }
mov word ptr OldHandler[2],es
jmp @@out
push ax
xchg cx,OldEvents
xchg word ptr OldHandler,dx
mov ax,es
xchg word ptr OldHandler[2],ax
mov es,ax
pop ax
pop ds
procedure InitGMouse;
{ initialize graphical mouse pointer system }
label Failed;
if Active then
{ check if mouse driver present and is operatable }
mov ax,3533h
int 21h
mov ax,es
or ax,bx
jz Failed
sub ax,ax
int 33h
or ax,ax
jz Failed
if not isVGAble then
if FlipMode then
ModeFlip := FlipMode;
LoadChars(C1Char, C2Char, C3Char, C4Char);
mov ax,0Ch
push cs
pop es
mov dx,offset MouseHandler
mov cx,7Fh
int 33h
Active := True;
procedure DoneGMouse;
{ deinitialize graphical mouse pointer system }
if not Active then
SaveChars(C1Char, C2Char, C3Char, C4Char);
if ModeFlip then
mov ax,0Ch
mov cx,[OldEvents]
mov dx,word ptr [OldHandler][2]
mov es,dx
mov dx,word ptr [OldHandler]
int 33h
C1Char := $DE;
C2Char := $DD;
C3Char := $D7;
C4Char := $D8;
Active := False;
procedure SetMouseChars;
if Active then
SaveChars(C1Char, C2Char, C3Char, C4Char);
C1Char := C1Code;
C2Char := C2Code;
C3Char := C3Code;
C4Char := C4Code;
if Active then
LoadChars(C1Char, C2Char, C3Char, C4Char);
procedure GetPointerShape;
Move(ANDMask, AND_Mask, CharSize);
Move(ORMask, OR_Mask, CharSize);
procedure SetPointerShape;
var SVisible : Boolean;
SVisible := Visible;
if Active then
Move(AND_Mask, ANDMask, CharSize);
Move(OR_Mask,ORMask, CharSize);
if Active and SVisible then
procedure GetCharMatrix; assembler;
mov si,C
cmp si,C1Char
jz @@fill0
cmp si,C2Char
jz @@fill0
cmp si,C3Char
jz @@fill0
cmp si,C4Char
jz @@fill0
shl si,5
mov cx,16
push ds
push SegA000
pop ds
les di,Matrix
call MoveChar
pop ds
jmp @@Q
les di,Matrix
sub ax,ax
mov cx,16
rep stosw
procedure SetCharMatrix; assembler;
mov al,Visible
push ax
cmp Active,0
jz @@1
call gHideMouse
mov di,C
cmp di,C1Char
jz @@skip
cmp di,C2Char
jz @@skip
cmp di,C3Char
jz @@skip
cmp di,C4Char
jz @@skip
shl di,5
mov cx,16
push SegA000
pop es
push ds
lds si,Matrix
call MoveChar
pop ds
pop ax
or al,al
jz @@Q
cmp Active,0
jz @@Q
call gShowMouse
OldExitProc : Pointer = nil;
procedure gMouseExitProc; far;
ExitProc := OldExitProc;
OldExitProc := ExitProc;
ExitProc := @gMouseExitProc;